聖方濟中文學校每位老師在教學時教授學 生繁簡兩種字體。幼稚班至三年級的老師用粵語或英文解釋,EM1至EM7的老師用英文解 釋,教授學生國語。爲了引起學生學中文的興趣,調節課堂氣氛,我們在中文課堂上穿插三字 經、弟子規、手指操、唐詩、兒歌、手工、美術、音樂及數位教學(E-Learning) ,增添學生學中文的興趣,豐富多彩地將中國文化傳給下一代!

校長:袁雅文修女(Sr. Mary Yuan)


學校辦公室電話:604-254-2714(Ext. 110)


The teachers of Saint Francis Xavier Chinese School teach in both traditional and simplified writing styles.  The instructional language is mainly Mandarin and the teachers from kindergarten to grade three explain the content using Cantonese and English, whereas the teachers from EM1 all the way to EM7 use mainly English to explain the content.  In order to help the students to develop an interest in the Chinese language and create a fun learning atmosphere, we incorporated our Chinese classes with traditional Chinese verses, poems, nursery rhymes, finger exercises, arts & craft, music and digital E-learning.  We hope to inspire an interest and really pass on the language and culture to the next generation.

Please visit weekday extracurricular Chinese school program for more detail.

Principal: Sister Mary Yuan

Office Phone: 604-254-2714 (Ext. 110)

Cell Phone: 604-356-7605

聖方濟中文學校幼稚班學生家長收費通知 St. Francis Xavier Chinese School notice to parents of Kindergarten fees

聖方濟中文學校一年至七年級學生家長收費通知 St. Francis Xavier Chinese School notice to parents of Grade 1 to 7 fees

新學生註冊表 New Students Registration Form

影音授權同意書 New Students Consent to photograph and video

緊急治療同意書 New Students Emergency Consent Form