Course List: January to March, 2024 (English)


Introduction: The SFX Parish Life Centre (PLC) was established in 2003.
The PLC is operated by a group of volunteers and experienced instructors.
Objective: To show God’s mercy and promote Chinese culture.
Programs: Multicultural courses for adults, including Language Programs (Mandarin, Cantonese & English); Bible Sharing Group; Tai Chi; Dance Classes (Line Dance, Ballroom Dance); Chinese Calligraphy Classes; Cantonese Gospel Opera, etc.
Volunteers: The PLC welcomes parishioners who are interested in serving as welcomers to join our volunteers team.  We are open from Monday to Friday (off on Thursday), 10am to 4:30pm.
Coordinator: Maria Tan Ling
Registration: Telephone 604-254-2727 ext 116 or 117



性質: 聖方濟堂區活動中心成立於2003年,由多位資深導師及義工熱心教學及襄助。
宗旨: 弘揚天主慈恩及推廣中華文化。
課程内容: 開設多元化成人課程包括語文班(普通話、粵語、英語)、福音分享、健身班(太極、健康舞、社交舞)、書法班及福傳粵曲組等。欲知詳情請瀏覽堂區活動中心網頁
義工: 歡迎教友加入我們的義工隊。有興趣的,請前來參觀我們的中心。中心開放時間為週一至週五(週四休息),上午10時至下午4時30分。
負責人: 譚玲
報名: 請電: 604-254-2727  内缐 116 或 117
