December 1, 2020 @ 12:00 am – January 1, 2021 @ 12:00 am
St. Francis Xavier Parish
438 Great Northern Way
天主教聖方濟堂響應溫哥華總教區發起的「藍光運動」,我們的堂區從將臨期第三主日起燃點希望的藍光! 歡迎您蒞臨我們的堂區拍照,更邀請您在家中燃點藍光。
St. Francis Xavier Parish supports the Archdiocese of Vancouver’s “Blue Light Campaign” and will light up our parish with blue lights! You are most welcome to pass by and take pictures of our parish all lit up in blue. You are also encouraged to light up your home in blue as well.
To brighten up dark evenings, the Archdiocese is launching a Blue Light Campaign, inviting everyone to use blue lights when decorating their churches and homes as a sign of hope and solidarity with families who have lost loved ones and are experiencing a “blue Christmas” this year.