The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian’s life of faith. – Article 1210 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
“Those who approach the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation obtain pardon from God’s mercy for the offense committed against him, and are, at the same time, reconciled with the Church which they have wounded by their sins and which by charity, by example, and by prayer labours for their conversion.” (Lumen Gentium 11)
The sacrament consists of three actions: 1) the penitent’s true contrition, 2) confession or disclosure of sins to the priest, and 3) the intention to make reparation and do works of reparation. The spiritual effects of the Sacrament of Penance include reconciliation with God, which recovers grace, as well as reconciliation with the Church. Effects also include remission of eternal punishment incurred by mortal sins, peace of conscience and an increase of spiritual strength for the Christian battle (CCC 1496).
The two sacraments of healing are Anointing of the Sick and the Sacrament of Penance.
Confession Time:
After Mass or By appointment: 604–254–2727
Above changed schedule starts from July 3, 2021 until further notice.
Guide to Confession for adults
Examination of Conscience for Teenagers
告解聖事 [修和聖事] 是主耶穌親自立的。祂在升天前將赦罪的權柄交給了教會,使教會能繼續耶穌去尋覓罪人,領導罪人回歸父家的工作。若我們因罪遠離了天主,我們可藉這聖事與天主及教會重新修好,獲得罪赦。
本堂告解時間: 彌撒後或預約 — 604–254–2727
〔一〕 痛悔–痛悔在修和聖事中佔著重要的部分。因為人要有真心的痛悔,才能有確切的定改志向。為獲得改過的決心,首先要明認自己的罪違反了天主的慈愛。痛悔使我再次感懷天主的慈愛,惱恨自己的叛逆行為,願意重得天主的愛。痛悔不是因了一個短暫的內心感情而激發的,而是基於一個恆久的、持續的「願意重度新生活」的心;所以,這行動應於日後生活中表現出來。
〔二〕 定改–有真心的痛悔,必有決志的定改。定改的行動是悔罪後的具體表現,是生活中的作證。縱然因著人本身的軟弱,仍然會失足,但是一個願意定改的人,會千方百計地躲避一切使自己跌倒的機會,以求不再犯罪。
〔三〕 告明–認罪就是向我們所開罪的人表明自己的懊悔。現在得罪了天主又侵犯了基督和教會,所以要向團體認罪。司鐸代表基督和教會團體赦免人的罪,因為耶穌曾將赦罪權交給了宗徒。所以,為得罪赦我們要向司鐸告罪。再者,若我們只在內心認罪,則我們究竟是向天主認罪?還是向自己認罪?很多時候我們是在欺騙自己的。我發覺做錯了,便在內心向自己認罪,其實不過是藉此克服自己失敗的感覺。事實上,當我越不想向人公開認罪而嚴厲責備自己時,欺騙自己的危險也越大。
〔四〕 補贖–如果我們有一個真誠悔過的心,我們一定願意為已做錯了的事作賠償。「賠補」不是付出一筆代價,換取罪赦。赦罪是天主的恩賜,是一份禮物。「賠補」不應是平面式的交換,而是出於愛,無限的愛催迫我們去做補贖。
〔五〕 赦罪–是告罪者得罪赦的有形記號。是耶穌藉此記號,使罪人重獲內心的平安,得到天父的慈愛。耶穌曾以「亡羊歸棧」和「浪子回頭」兩個比喻來啟示天父對人的慈愛。
中文資料取自香港教區’天主教教義函授課程 ‘