“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you.”
That verse from 1 Peter inspired a recent event at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Vancouver as Catholics gathered Nov. 23 to talk about the Bible, salvation history, and how to answer questions about their faith.
The featured speaker was Grace Lee, a former business professor in Hong Kong and author of “Be Holy.”
The presentation was in Cantonese and offered as part of a Bible study series that attracts members of several parishes regularly on Saturday mornings.
(The event was held on November 23, 2019)
每一信徒都應理解「基本福音」以「時常準備答覆人們詢問我們心中所懷希望的理由」(伯前 3:15 ) 及作福傳 (溫哥華總主教響應教宗呼籲)。聖方濟堂於 11月23日舉辦了「聖經:我們的救恩史」講座。